Ian Runkle/Runkle of the Bailey @ YouTube @IanRunkle. It's. 5:31 AM · May 26, 2022 · Twitter for Android. I guess I'll also have successful bidder. and @LumberLaw. Let's talk about that. Search for more channel analytics of your favourite YouTube channels in professionally audited report by Rajat Jain using Free Social Media Auditor. locals. They showed every participant two images of cyclists and made them choose which one was "less human". It's now pouring rain outside. 5:01 PM · Jun 8, 2022. Retweets. The only person she was unfair to was herself. Come on down to TX Runkle! :) good luck to you guys trying to. Alberta politics right now is like going to a circus, thinking it's a hilariously funny show, and then they're like "Okay, now you need to pick who to trust with all your money. Also on Locals @ runkleofthebailey. Also, the good news about a client who won't stop confessing in a case like this is that it probably means you won't need to review the video evidence. Elaine Broderhoft basically walking into letting the witness suggest she's doing this for fame was a hell of a thing. Well, they'll be able to explain just how much they support law abiding firearm owners to a bunch of them. And now she's mentoring a student, and the cycle continues. I also only grabbed a small sample of my hot sauces for this one, so there's only 17 sauces on the wheel tonight. Choose your membership. I'm confirmed for the courtroom. I'm Canadian, so the primary focus will be Canadian law, but there ma. I'm also a player in the Lawyers and Dragons campaign. Ian Runkle/Runkle of the Bailey @ YouTube on Twitter: "About to try a tooling project that is more ambitious than any I've attempted before, and trying hard not to chicken out on it. 2:18 PM · Jul 9, 2022 · Twitter Web App. This is a legal information and education channel, with a leaning towards firearms law. 124. Natalie and I did a Hot Ones challenge on her member's only stream. Don't believe what you Heard. 129. I'm hoping to get out a video on the latest on the OGL stuff tonight, but it'll probably be tomorrow. I should maybe record something about it. . Likes. This will be unpopular, but the Heard team did really well on closing. Thank you so much for that and to Ian for the coverage ♥️ ♥️ ♥️2:01 AM · May 27, 2022 · Twitter Web App. 6,546. Guys, it is 10 PM and I'm in line. “@Polysesouvient Want to come on the channel to clarify your views?”Ian Runkle/Runkle of the Bailey @ YouTube @IanRunkle This one is like "Fire a missile at the target, miss and have it sail off and land in the wrong country, killing an endangered animal that was just being honoured by the president for saving a busload of cute kittens" level bad. Quote Tweet. Rottenborn hit the legal argument really really well, and that's exactly what he needed to do. Runkle being away. Other grand ADHD moments: Was doing some tidying up, and discovered I still own a copy of Final Fantasy III for the Super NES. Ian Runkle/Runkle of the Bailey @ YouTube @IanRunkle. Not sure if that qualifies me as fuel efficient or not. You won’t find the tweet unless you specifically seek it out, which is no different from rest of Internet. But also, there's plans to get a foundation set up for Kori's memory to help other kids down the road and continue his legacy. 5:16 PM · May 27, 2022 · Twitter for Android. 7. It's hard to believe this one ever happened. Quote Tweets. Ian Runkle/Runkle of the Bailey @ YouTube @IanRunkle Science fiction shows set in the far future love to do the thing where characters are fans of historical music/art/etc that just happens to be of popular pieces from the modern era. 15 Jul 2023 03:06:29Ian Runkle/Runkle of the Bailey @ YouTube @IanRunkle. Show additional replies, including those that may contain offensive content. And she was surprised at how much time she burned. Log inSo many things on those tables that I would love to own. I'm also just continually in shock that they can pack a courtroom with lawyers and witnesses, and somehow Paltrow ends up looking good by comparison to everyone else. I'm getting approximately one kilometer/moth. This trial indicates just how hard it is to seek justice, especially for what we might call "non-stereotypical' victims. “Wife and I are out for sushi at a place that we've been coming to since it was like us and like one other table. I haven't owned an SNES in several decades. And yes, I'll do a stream talking about Secret, when I'm able to do it and keep my composure. When people say "What can a group of people do against the government?", remember that the Mohawk were utter badasses who brought things to a halt in a quest for justice. Quote Tweets. ”Former fans have accused the YouTube star best known for playing Miranda Sings of sending explicit messages and exploiting underage fans. Successful bidder will be expected to make a donation via my Extra Life page, which goes to the kidlets. Talk with people who make you see the world differently. The. The 'Amber Alert' setting should respect Do Not Disturb/Silent, and opt-out. 16. Ordinary CatAre we doing this one again? Andrew is a real lawyer. Replying to @IanRunkle. There's also a prize draw for entry, to maximize the chance of someone botting this or just taking the study repeatedly for a chance to win. Ian Runkle/Runkle of the Bailey @ YouTube @IanRunkle. Runkle is away for the weekend. “Also, I've had some people asking for my wristbands. “I hadn't realized the anniversary of this historic event was today. 1. I feel it would have been better strategy to run this before Amber's testimony rather than after. 7. Review of the Commander NV-100 Night. Stay tuned, but that is amazing news. Quote. 5. Retweets. 15 Jul 2023 22:26:18“She was talking to a friend, and I heard "Let's try here," and then my gate opening. He was doing it with Ian (Runkle of the Bailey) and Rob (Law and Lumber). 11. Retweets. They were like "I bet we know each other from work". ”Ian Runkle/Runkle of the Bailey @ YouTube @IanRunkle. Also, we'll be going over these tweets and how you're continuing to make an absolute clown of yourself on my livestream tonight. I'm sure this won't mess up my sleep schedule at all. I'm just going to continue to enjoy what I enjoy. Unfortunately, one of these is not like the others. Retweets. I will watch it from over here. 1. Come join me as I talk about some of the weird legal occurrences of the past week. See new Tweets. I didn't do that because of my love of it. And yeah, people work for all sorts of reasons. That's not a reasonable reading of the decision at all. So I kicked it over the line. But if I shine a light on it it'll mess with what he pulled off. Going to be suggesting re-dos for many. . Quote Tweets. I suspect deliberations are going to be less "if" than "how much". You are such a good man. Ian Runkle/Runkle of the Bailey @ YouTube @IanRunkle. 6K. The notion that you have to be using your real name online to be a real lawyer is laughable. To monetize a video you have to specifically set it to monetized, and then certify that it meets all the advertising criteria. Quote Tweets. ConversationOkay, based on the popular demands, I did a watch through of "Toxic Gossip Train". As a cautionary note, I barely use LinkedIn, and check it at most once a month. Sometimes I think I need to hurry up and get my shop better set up for streaming. Regardless, I can summarize: It's real bad. Retweets. Welcome to Runkle of the Bailey: A legal news and information channel that deals with criminal and firearms/weapons law. 7:00 PM · May 25, 2022 · Twitter for Android. Rick Moon Bound . For the people wondering. Russians here are not responsible for anything, and if threats demanding the exclusion of the Russian pavilion get it removed, then we've encouraged them. As is Rob. Roll of Law. I think it's called None to Run. 7,016. Sign upIan Runkle/Runkle of the Bailey @ YouTube @IanRunkle. And she made me promise, "oh make sure a certain "storyteller" doesn't try to make any cash off me". (Also available on @LumberLaw 's channel). EjP @EmmaJPUk. Jim Simon. So, finally got my invite to go to the Gundies in person. This is a ballsy claim, given that the most popular coverage was YouTubers livestreaming the trial and talking about what just happened during the trial. 7. 11 Jun 2023 13:58:36Ian Runkle. Retweets. bad. . Which I'd say makes it about 95% likely we're talking about a real juror. 4:56 PM · May 19, 2022 · Twitter for Android. Wasn't necessary, but was funny when I checked it later. 664. 9:44 PM · Jan 6, 2023. Typically five such arguments. As I am new to this, I don't yet have tier rewards, but am leaving the option open for people to support the channel. ”“Wonderful moments: Mrs. Secret must have known how sick she was in her last days, and I didn't see it. How An Emoji Cost A Farmer $82,000 -- A Lawyer Explains youtu. 7:14 PM · May 25, 2022 · Twitter for Android. Only time I really question that choice is seeing that business class flights have lie flat seats on international travel. but I might be able to go live a bit later to rant about this RCMP business. . 73. com. They didn't like the follow up question, "Have you ever been arrested?"So, apparently Damoff has had to retreat a bit from a comment that 100% of women at a shelter were subject to firearms violence. . I think her evidence won't move things much either way in the end. 627. 16. discord. LauraalissbrazierMy oven has decided to do an unscheduled rapid disassembly, so now I'm having to shop for a new one. They were so that I could get the spacing right on the real piece. com (Re)Tweets are not legal advice, endorsement, etc. Sign upHey folks, I got sent a really cool rifle scope to play with. Retweets. Quote Tweets. . But, evidence. A garbage truck just rolled past the courthouse, and people seriously started calling out "Amber Heard!" 10:35 AM · May 16, 2022 · Twitter for Android. Runkle has never seen it. Ian Runkle - Firearms Law and Criminal Defence. An insultingly small fraction. It's a mistake. Found. 6:12 AM · May 27, 2022 · Twitter for Android. That is true, but likely not in the direction that I'd like. Basically, why this ukelele "apology" (which seems to contain 0% apology) would be a criminal defence lawyer's nightmare. Let's congratulate them on another successful partnership. Proceeds on that go to Children's Hospitals. 9:29 PM · Apr 12, 2022. So, let's talk about how and why a single emoji can end up costing you $80,000. A ton of fun. ”Ian Runkle/Runkle of the Bailey @ YouTube @IanRunkle.